To use those apples, after you buy at the shop you should go to your inventory, click on the apple and then to use it, a little effect will appear in your digimon sprite to show you the affect was applied
Ooh thanks for noticing, it is a bug indeed, I'll fix it as fast as possible, thank you, I hope you don't mind I delete your comment, just don't wanna people to abuse this bug
Ooh, this digimon was in palmon line but I removed and didn't put it in anywhere else, but I just checked and the code was still there, being able to evolve to arachnemon, sorry
Hello, I intend to add them, but I would have to make these sprites, it would require a lot of time, patience and skill that I may not have. But those X antibodies are not my priority now, but in the future, probably.
Hi dev..How to change from ultimate to mega..Me got Metalgreymon X already..need to push level or wait age until certain years?pls help me dev..your dgpartner so awesome bro
People ask a lot for this, digimemories give me quite the work, but I'll try my best to include a new row of digimemory in the next update. Thanks for the support!
There's other things in priority right now, not much time left to work on new sprites, when I spare some time, I might start working on those digimon sprites
Bom dia, acabei de baixar a nova versão da loja e percebi alguns bugs:
1) A opção Energy+ não está funcionando socorro kkkk n consigo treinar meus bicho 2) o Item de cura dourado está curando 150 igual o azul ao invés de 550
3) Este é um erro recorrente, o quadro de vitórias mostra um máximo de 125 de Exp e 200 Bits obtidos, mesmo que nos Boss alguns dêem 170, 190 ou 210 de Exp, a barra aumenta nesse valor mas o visor mostra apenas 125 de Exp obtido. O mesmo com os bits, não cheguei a conferir quanto eles davam mas alguns dão 300 e no visor mostra apenas 200.
Bom dia, o primeiro item eu tinha reparado ontem quando postei, mas eu tava exausto então tive que deixar pra resolver hoje, há tinha resolvido muito bug kkk obrigado por reportar, vou arrumar aqui e postar de novo.
Nossa de longe um dos melhores jogos de digimon que eu já joguei, descobri numa época q tava mt decepcionado com o MMO e n paro de jogar desde então, salvou demais o hype com a obra.
Uma pergunta inocente, vc pretende adicionar a linha dos anjos? Patamon, Tailmon etc... quem sabe até uma Ordinemon em algum futuro.
Que isso 😳, fico muito feliz que esteja gostando, eu sinto que ainda falta bastante coisa, hoje à noite ou amanhã deve sair um update que traz lojas pro jogo e algumas outras mudanças, espero que goste. Patamon e Tailmon eu acredito que vou adicionar mês que vem, Ordinemon vai demorar mais pra vir.
all digimon have different stats but they change just a little, from digimon to digimon, some have slightly more base speed, others hp, X antibody digimon are always stronger than they're normal counterpart, send me an email here, do you have a twitter? you can send me a dm there: @aludeku2
So this problem happened after you installed an update? or out of nowhere you entered the game and it's not loading? This error happened to me once but I was messing with the code making tests, so I'm not sure why is happening to you, to fix for me I deleted all game save data 😞 then never happened before
after my handphone baterry low and off, i charge and i want to play again, but when i load the game i cant play, the code is apear like the screenshoot. maybe i must try delete game save data..
lol yeah but at least make it similar la. Ohh when will u plan to make discord server? I think it will more efficient for us to report about bug or share about what your plan and etc
In the future I intend to add as much as possible. The one's that are not official give me quite the work to make, the one's like gomamon and some x antibody's, are hard to make and take me so much time.
Darkdramon is coming in October.
Omegamon X I would love to add, and I'm currently making the Gabumon X line sprites, having trouble to make metalgarurumon X sprite. But once I finish making them they'll be added into the game.
Bancholeomon I have no plans to make the sprite soon, but I believe they'll soon be officially released.
Yes I already planned espimon's digitama, I planned to add it in October because of something... But October is quite far, so probably I will release it's digitama before, and then in October I add more digimons to that digitama.
New installer? I'm not sure what you mean, if you download a new version of the game and click to install it will ask if you want to update the game, your save will not be erased. But if you uninstall the game the save it's gone.
yes, i uninstall the old version before. thanks i will try just install new one without uninstalling old one. but does it make i have more than 1 installer? and it will took memory? (330 MB old + 339 MB new)
Oh, I see, it will keep both installers indeed, but you can delete both after installing. You can delete the old installer without uninstalling the game, and then just download the new installer and update the game.
Just checked, you're right, I forgot and put that name twice, you can put it a nickname to change it's name, just need to tap the digimon name in the parameters, the name will be fixed next update. Thanks.
é só treinar pelo menos umas 3/4 vezes o botamon/koromon, pode reparar nos parâmetros que ele deve ter os contadores de trainboost azul, ai ele virará agumon normal inves do black agumon
does this happen with every mega? One specific you can mention? Doesn't happen to me, maybe if you close and open again. If the problem persists I can post a hot fix.
I have checked the code and this problem was already fixed, you're probably with an older version, if you download the apk again that bug will not happen again.
Beowolfmon: speed greater than atk and hp discipline greater than 100 caremistakes less than 3 wins greater than losses MagnaGarurumon: same as before but caremistakes must be zero.
after playing all day, I can't really recommend this game yet because there is very little info like
where or should i tap when victory screen appear, this also the same as exclamation mark appear on adventures and also on adventure doesn't give me a warning when accidentally tap the back button. even though there is Angemon's help on parameter, there is none like this beside that page one of parameter
i know you leave all the info i need on dev log, but evaluate from gaming experiece that is pretty bad idea, i hope you can improve some part like this in future
Oh of course, all of this will be done, if you check the game's development progression has been very consistent since I first posted the prototype some months ago, if you've seen how it was like a month ago, or two. Game's still under development, so thanks for sharing those things that bother you, when I have time and priority to do those things, they'll be done.
Please make digimon have long life, remove digimon died at lvl 24, and change it to based on age, example rookie at age x, champion age y, ultimate, mega, etc
have you answered the survey? there's a button ingame for it, I'm taking notes on the general preference on the age/level system. I think it's more dynamic by level, cause you can keep playing non stop and the more experienced your digimon is, the evolution happens. But I also like the age system for the approach more similar to the vpets
Oh right, if you click on the extras button, right at the left of the digimemory icon there's the survey icon, if you click will lead you to the survey, at the end you can share a long form opinion
Yeah, I've been thinking about this, the game started to receive a lot of messages and suggestions, I thought about changing this comment section here to topics. Maybe soon or later I'll look to make a discord server, thanks.
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After the evolution of Gammamon eggs intoGammamon, it is not possible to view the evolution conditions and the maturity period.
thanks, I'll fix that while I don't here is the evolution requirements
To use those apples, after you buy at the shop you should go to your inventory, click on the apple and then to use it, a little effect will appear in your digimon sprite to show you the affect was applied
What I want to ask is how much added life, the specific use I know.
currently 2 more days.
Ooh thanks for noticing, it is a bug indeed, I'll fix it as fast as possible, thank you, I hope you don't mind I delete your comment, just don't wanna people to abuse this bug
May I ask why the Snimon cannot evolve into a Blossomon . And it will evolve into an Archnemon that is not on the evolutionary table.
Ooh, this digimon was in palmon line but I removed and didn't put it in anywhere else, but I just checked and the code was still there, being able to evolve to arachnemon, sorry
Hi developers, will there be a series Royal Knight X and Seven Great Demon Lord X?
Hi dev..How to change from ultimate to mega..Me got Metalgreymon X already..need to push level or wait age until certain years?pls help me dev..your dgpartner so awesome bro
Thanks! Right now Ultimates are able to evolve after level 16. You get daily missions that helps a lot leveling up if you're having difficulties .
Thanks you dev! I wish u all the best..Thank you for making this superb games..
Thank you 😊, for you too!
for some reason my beezlemon willl not evolve to BM after beating grandlocomon. can you fix this?
Yes, Thanks for reporting I found the bug, soon I'll be posting an update with the fix, I let you know
thank you so much, the app is really fun! any possibility of a blucomon line in the future?
Yes! had mentally planned a blucomon digitama already, not sure when I'll add him tho, I believe the next digitama might be patamon/angemon's, Thanks!
Sorry for the wait, the new update was uploaded, and this bug is fixed now.
can you add more digi memory, mine is full and i want to add more digimon, if you add i will buy/update again this game😍
People ask a lot for this, digimemories give me quite the work, but I'll try my best to include a new row of digimemory in the next update. Thanks for the support!
when will metal garurumon x and omegamon x added?
There's other things in priority right now, not much time left to work on new sprites, when I spare some time, I might start working on those digimon sprites
Jessmon x pls
Cara, me diverti muito jogando esse jogo!
Aliás, o link do servidor não está mais disponível, tentei entrar e deu erro.
Opa, que bom, fico feliz, atualizei o link, acho que agora não expira mais!
Thank you for the update brother. Got my favorite Digimon of all time
I'm glad you liked, have fun 😊
any bug when i try battle the boss
Unless it's a different bug, it's already fixed, please download it again
Is there a more in depth evolution guide somewhere?
Hi, my phone is on the ARMV7 architecture and the game only works for ARMV8
Hello, yes
, the game only runs on 64 bits android (ARMV8).
how about apk before update, can i download again?
I don't have the APK of the version before, what's the reason?
wanna play without shop feature.. hehe
Bom dia, acabei de baixar a nova versão da loja e percebi alguns bugs:
1) A opção Energy+ não está funcionando socorro kkkk n consigo treinar meus bicho
2) o Item de cura dourado está curando 150 igual o azul ao invés de 550
3) Este é um erro recorrente, o quadro de vitórias mostra um máximo de 125 de Exp e 200 Bits obtidos, mesmo que nos Boss alguns dêem 170, 190 ou 210 de Exp, a barra aumenta nesse valor mas o visor mostra apenas 125 de Exp obtido. O mesmo com os bits, não cheguei a conferir quanto eles davam mas alguns dão 300 e no visor mostra apenas 200.
Bom dia, o primeiro item eu tinha reparado ontem quando postei, mas eu tava exausto então tive que deixar pra resolver hoje, há tinha resolvido muito bug kkk obrigado por reportar, vou arrumar aqui e postar de novo.
Nossa de longe um dos melhores jogos de digimon que eu já joguei, descobri numa época q tava mt decepcionado com o MMO e n paro de jogar desde então, salvou demais o hype com a obra.
Uma pergunta inocente, vc pretende adicionar a linha dos anjos? Patamon, Tailmon etc... quem sabe até uma Ordinemon em algum futuro.
Que isso 😳, fico muito feliz que esteja gostando, eu sinto que ainda falta bastante coisa, hoje à noite ou amanhã deve sair um update que traz lojas pro jogo e algumas outras mudanças, espero que goste. Patamon e Tailmon eu acredito que vou adicionar mês que vem, Ordinemon vai demorar mais pra vir.
all digimon have different stats but they change just a little, from digimon to digimon, some have slightly more base speed, others hp, X antibody digimon are always stronger than they're normal counterpart, send me an email here, do you have a twitter? you can send me a dm there: @aludeku2
i dont have twitter, do u have instagram? facebook? or whats ur email?
so between gallantmon X and crimson mode, usually crimson is stronger , but in this game gallantmon X is stronger?
Oh yes, dukemon crimson mode should be stronger than dukemon x, I'll fix that, but still the difference is slightly. Dm me on Instagram:
done , please check ur DM , thank you
i cant play?
Did this happen when you tried to update the game? or did you never played it before?
i play this game after update 2 days ago, i can play that. but now i cant play again?
i have 2 digimon, skullgreymon and garurumon
So this problem happened after you installed an update? or out of nowhere you entered the game and it's not loading? This error happened to me once but I was messing with the code making tests, so I'm not sure why is happening to you, to fix for me I deleted all game save data 😞 then never happened before
after my handphone baterry low and off, i charge and i want to play again, but when i load the game i cant play, the code is apear like the screenshoot. maybe i must try delete game save data..
delete save data its work, but i must play again from the beginning.. goodbye my skullgreymon and garurumon.. haha
did the phone turn off while you were playing the game?
how to get arcturusmon? my digimon keep evolve into siriusmon, they both use speed+ train...
have really low happiness or 3 care mistakes or more
Thank you for the updates bro. I think we need more digimemories to collect more digimon. Hahaha. Your work is awesome!
does gallantmon crimson mode added?
Yes it does!
Why there's different pixel between our Belphemon and boss's Belphemon 🤣
lol I once said something like this but about imperialdramon:
The belphemon of the store vs the one we have at home
lol yeah but at least make it similar la. Ohh when will u plan to make discord server? I think it will more efficient for us to report about bug or share about what your plan and etc
do you plan to add terriermon to the game
I've been working on terriermon and guilmon this week, they'll be the next digimon lines added to the game, you can expect that update real soon.
Do you plan to add Bancholeomon, Darkdramon, Valdurmon, Chaosmon, Chaosmon VA, and UltimateChaosmon?
Sorry if I request too much
i was looking for those too, and omegamon X please
In the future I intend to add as much as possible. The one's that are not official give me quite the work to make, the one's like gomamon and some x antibody's, are hard to make and take me so much time.
Thank you bro. We will be waiting
Thank you :)
Bro is it any way to clean mistake status?
The only way is evolving, when your digimon evolves the care mistake goes to zero.
Thank you bro. Do you plan to add espimon line? Would love to see the jogress of loardknightmon. Thank you bro
Yes I already planned espimon's digitama, I planned to add it in October because of something... But October is quite far, so probably I will release it's digitama before, and then in October I add more digimons to that digitama.
broo, how to continue my game after get new installer? it just reset everything...
New installer? I'm not sure what you mean, if you download a new version of the game and click to install it will ask if you want to update the game, your save will not be erased. But if you uninstall the game the save it's gone.
yes, i uninstall the old version before. thanks i will try just install new one without uninstalling old one. but does it make i have more than 1 installer? and it will took memory? (330 MB old + 339 MB new)
Oh, I see, it will keep both installers indeed, but you can delete both after installing. You can delete the old installer without uninstalling the game, and then just download the new installer and update the game.
thats definitely just speed+
Yes, I've been bothered by this too haha, probably late today I'll be posting a new update and that will be adjusted!
You put aldamon twice the one thats looks like agunimon is aldamon but the other is burninggreymon
Just checked, you're right, I forgot and put that name twice, you can put it a nickname to change it's name, just need to tap the digimon name in the parameters, the name will be fixed next update. Thanks.
Como vira Agumon Normal ?
é só treinar pelo menos umas 3/4 vezes o botamon/koromon, pode reparar nos parâmetros que ele deve ter os contadores de trainboost azul, ai ele virará agumon normal inves do black agumon
Why can't play???
Your android device is 32 bits, game only runs on 64 bits android
Why always like this if beat mega Digimon
does this happen with every mega? One specific you can mention? Doesn't happen to me, maybe if you close and open again. If the problem persists I can post a hot fix.
Diablomon, Demon
I have checked the code and this problem was already fixed, you're probably with an older version, if you download the apk again that bug will not happen again.
Bro, you need to specify the android requirement. Because my friend with armv8l phone can't play this game and feels sad~
FYI, My phone is redmi selene with aarch64 and can run the game just fine
It's specified. Only 64 bits androids
Are Gabumon x Added? Omnimon X?
Not yet
Im not getting the x antibodies by killing the x digimon im doing it on agumon
Ops, you're right, thanks for reporting, I just uploaded the hotfix! You can farm the x antibody core like intended.
How to require BeoWolfMon and MagnaGarurumon?
speed greater than atk and hp
discipline greater than 100
caremistakes less than 3
wins greater than losses
same as before but caremistakes must be zero.
i follow your progress since the first and everything turn better and better now. love this
Thank you so much 😊 makes me real happy to hear that. Thanks for being around
after playing all day, I can't really recommend this game yet because there is very little info like
where or should i tap when victory screen appear, this also the same as exclamation mark appear on adventures and also on adventure doesn't give me a warning when accidentally tap the back button. even though there is Angemon's help on parameter, there is none like this beside that page one of parameter
i know you leave all the info i need on dev log, but evaluate from gaming experiece that is pretty bad idea, i hope you can improve some part like this in future
Oh of course, all of this will be done, if you check the game's development progression has been very consistent since I first posted the prototype some months ago, if you've seen how it was like a month ago, or two. Game's still under development, so thanks for sharing those things that bother you, when I have time and priority to do those things, they'll be done.
i'm glad to read that
Please make digimon have long life, remove digimon died at lvl 24, and change it to based on age, example rookie at age x, champion age y, ultimate, mega, etc
have you answered the survey? there's a button ingame for it, I'm taking notes on the general preference on the age/level system. I think it's more dynamic by level, cause you can keep playing non stop and the more experienced your digimon is, the evolution happens. But I also like the age system for the approach more similar to the vpets
Not yet, where is the survey links? I would like to give my opinion, thanks anyway
Oh right, if you click on the extras button, right at the left of the digimemory icon there's the survey icon, if you click will lead you to the survey, at the end you can share a long form opinion
Found it, thanks.
I have another suggestion to collect every other people opinion, make discord server for your own game
Yeah, I've been thinking about this, the game started to receive a lot of messages and suggestions, I thought about changing this comment section here to topics. Maybe soon or later I'll look to make a discord server, thanks.