Kinda wish there was a hard mode for Adventure mode and Tournament. It feels like the game stops being challenging after your Digimon have decent stats. Boss battles are challenging enough, but I find other modes to be lacking in difficulty after a certain point.
I kind of wish you could freeze your digimon, you know so they don't age, get hungry, get tired, but they can't do anything. cuz it gets kind of flustering having to manage a lot of digimon once you get them
if you don't load their memory they'll be frozen, like you can have 6 digimon and just use one, the other 5 will not age as long as you don't load their memory
Selfish question: do you plan on adding the Keramon line to the game? that would be boss. also I feel like there should be some tweaks done for the training mini games, especially HP and strength, both are a little bit finnicky in my opinion at least
Only just started the game and am really enjoying it, heaps of potential. Not sure if it would be possible but it would be amazing if you could make it have your Digimon appear on your home screen like the virtual pet app called hellopet
I found an interesting bug people found way to cheat in game evos by fast forwarding their phone clock and changing the time on phone to have infinite age on their digimons.And using the basic Vpet in game this should be patched.Cause it's not fun to abuse such gimmick.
Iv just downloaded the game and it seems like something iv been looking for a while. Question, does the game time continue progressing even if the app is closed? (I play it on my android) phone). And does the game alert you via notifications if he's hungry and what not? Thanks in advance :)
I know you already pointed out in the description that the sprites come from the VB, but aren't most of the other assets from official Digimon products too? Honestly, this feels a bit sketchy to me, considering itch gives people the choice to pay for the game...
I tryed this Game, after 3 days i has still a rockie with 0 wins. The Stamina dont recover when the Game is off, cost tooooooo mamy time to play this Game.
It looks realy interesting, but for new casual player Is this Game without any tutorial not good (i was in the Discord Server too, i dont found a good Tutorial).
it is safe ,,, your pc/laptop will always mark it as unsafe due to it being from an unknown publisher (which is pretty much everything that isnt from microsoft or known publishers)
Hello, recently i got this error on my screen and I would like to know where the game save folder is to avoid possible future errors I would like to make a backup before starting a new game. Would it be possible to pass this folder location to me?
I'd love for there to be a way to sell items. The amount of purple apples I got from adventure mode is more than I'd ever need. Seriously... I don't know what I'm gonna do with 34 purple apples cuz ain't no way I'm shortening their lifespans.
Really love this, I've been having a lot of fun the last few days. One question though: is there a way to get rid of the X- antibody button on the right side of the screen and the sparkle on the sprite once you've collected enough to evolve? I want my Beel to stay regular BM... I'm guessing the evolocker wouldn't stop that either.
Hello, thank you, nice suggestion, currently there's no way to get rid of it, but I'll make it so if you apply evo locker on the digimon this will not show, thank you for suggestion!
Nice, thank you! The button disappeares for a while if I switch to another mon and back, I'll do that in the meantime. Although that led to me finding a bug actually. My Beelzemon has enough X-antibody to evolve... and when I switched from it to an Agumon with 0 X-antibody, I was able to evolve it into Agumon X.😅
Ohhh thank you for reporting, I was just about to post a version with some bug fixes, already uploaded, now if you use evo locker this button will disappear
You just have to be sure veemon has 5 red faces in the trainboost meter, if he have this requirement when the evolution triggers it will become x-vmon.
Since I updated the app my Digimon are now weaker than everything and even champions have almost double hp and attack compared to my metalgreymon, also I get an error when trying to access to my weregarurumon. Not really sure how to get stronger if I can barely beat a rookie level now. Also both of them are level 11. I feel like there should be something in the next update that will convert the original stats to something that equals the new inflated stats or sets a higher base stats for each level.
Hi! Me again, do ultimate level digimon only recover training energy by sleeping? Or should they recover it by existing? (My stefilmon doesn't regains energy) Or maybe entering tournaments can prevent it from regaining energy points?
As a side note, have you considered opening a discord server for questions and so?
Hey, stamina recovers over time when app open, but the intention is for you to put your digimon to sleep at night and let it wake up by itself, it will be with their stamina recovered. There is already a discord server, you can enter by tapping it in the description of the game
you can put them to sleep after 9pm, if you do not put them to sleep after 9pm, well you can use the energy room in adventures to recover full stamina, will take 500 bits currently
Thank you so much! I'm really loving this game on my phone. I've been using the energy room, then adventure to build up bits, and continue the cycle, so far.
You've done a great job capturing to magic of early Digimon and killed it with the quality of life updates!
Thank you so much for the kind words, I did and am trying my best to make it a v-pet that captures the best essence of digimon, I didn't have a digimon v-pet, so this game is for everyone who likes digimon to enjoy and have fun raising their favourite mon 😊
Hi! I just started playing the game. I closed the app and now that I turned on again when trying to load the game all 3 default cartridges/chips are empty and it won't let me play from where I left it or buy a new digiegg as I only had 100 bits... how do I load my game?
Hello! Your progress should be in the first slot, did you selected a digitama when you started the game for the first time? It didn't save your progress for some reason. You'll have to delete the data from the app and start it again, or uninstall and install again. The first digimon you choose is free.
Thanks for your response! Yes, I chose the dragon egg and chieved champion (Greymon) but it didn't saved 🥲 how do I delete the data? Or would be better to uninstall and re install?
if you press the game's icon and go to the information, then storage and cache, should be an option "clear storage" the game would be fresh new doing this, if you find it difficult you can just uninstall and re install.
Eu sinto muito, mas esta é uma limitação da engine que eu estou usando para fazer o jogo, eu muito tentei fazer ser possível dele rodar em celulares 32 bits mas realmente não tem como, por limitação da engine apenas celulares 64 bits conseguem rodar o jogo.
Ryudamon beast line repeatedly according to evolutionary conditions can not evolve Victory Greymon, have evolved into a Zanbamon, may I ask whether the conditions are wrong?
← Return to game
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Kinda wish there was a hard mode for Adventure mode and Tournament. It feels like the game stops being challenging after your Digimon have decent stats. Boss battles are challenging enough, but I find other modes to be lacking in difficulty after a certain point.
how about adding dorumon, renamon, meicoomon, and lopmon?
They're all in the game already,except for meicoomon that will be added sometime soon
I kind of wish you could freeze your digimon, you know so they don't age, get hungry, get tired, but they can't do anything. cuz it gets kind of flustering having to manage a lot of digimon once you get them
if you don't load their memory they'll be frozen, like you can have 6 digimon and just use one, the other 5 will not age as long as you don't load their memory
Selfish question: do you plan on adding the Keramon line to the game? that would be boss. also I feel like there should be some tweaks done for the training mini games, especially HP and strength, both are a little bit finnicky in my opinion at least
Yes I have plans adding keramon line. Also I'm planning new facilities where you can train your digimon without having to play minigames.
Only just started the game and am really enjoying it, heaps of potential. Not sure if it would be possible but it would be amazing if you could make it have your Digimon appear on your home screen like the virtual pet app called hellopet
You mentioned a evolution guide in one of the dev logs but I can't seem to find it anywhere please help
Hey, you just need to buy the D-terminal in the game shop, this item shows you the evolution tree of the digimon you are raising
Loved the experience, hope for more updates !
I found an interesting bug people found way to cheat in game evos by fast forwarding their phone clock and changing the time on phone to have infinite age on their digimons.And using the basic Vpet in game this should be patched.Cause it's not fun to abuse such gimmick.
Iv just downloaded the game and it seems like something iv been looking for a while. Question, does the game time continue progressing even if the app is closed? (I play it on my android) phone). And does the game alert you via notifications if he's hungry and what not? Thanks in advance :)
I know you already pointed out in the description that the sprites come from the VB, but aren't most of the other assets from official Digimon products too? Honestly, this feels a bit sketchy to me, considering itch gives people the choice to pay for the game...
Anyone have idea? The digimon evolution depends on time or level to the next evo?
Awesome game ! Thanks for this ! I would love to see a french translation ! Please let me know if I can help !
EDIT : On smartphone, the stamina doesn't seems to regenerate while the app is closed.
also, is there an impmon in the game? i want to raise it into a cute wiz; if don't how about adding him on a next updade
I tryed this Game, after 3 days i has still a rockie with 0 wins. The Stamina dont recover when the Game is off, cost tooooooo mamy time to play this Game.
It looks realy interesting, but for new casual player Is this Game without any tutorial not good (i was in the Discord Server too, i dont found a good Tutorial).
my laptop is rejecting the download teeling that is unsafe, what i need to do? is it safe?
it is safe ,,, your pc/laptop will always mark it as unsafe due to it being from an unknown publisher (which is pretty much everything that isnt from microsoft or known publishers)
queria entrar no discord do jogo como faço?
Hello, recently i got this error on my screen and I would like to know where the game save folder is to avoid possible future errors I would like to make a backup before starting a new game. Would it be possible to pass this folder location to me?
I'm having this error when opening the game any solutions to it? Already tried to unistall but still having it :/
any chance of mac version in future?
I'd like to add a switch to vibrations, because vibrations can be awkward in certain situations.
Will be added!
Hmm... My MetalGreymon keeps trying to Evolve but can't for some reason. Dunno what to do.
Nevermind. He finally did it!
Excellent game brother, keep up the great work ☺️ When will you add the digitama of Lucemon's evolutionary line?
I'd love for there to be a way to sell items. The amount of purple apples I got from adventure mode is more than I'd ever need. Seriously... I don't know what I'm gonna do with 34 purple apples cuz ain't no way I'm shortening their lifespans.
Great game either way. Love it!
Hahahaha I have more than 100 purple apples 😅
I LOVED IT! Thanks for this great game full of love! ^_^ Rookie Tournament!I'll be posting other level tournaments ^_^ Let's see how my Palmon does!
Thank you! I'm glad you loved, thank you
Really love this, I've been having a lot of fun the last few days. One question though: is there a way to get rid of the X- antibody button on the right side of the screen and the sparkle on the sprite once you've collected enough to evolve? I want my Beel to stay regular BM... I'm guessing the evolocker wouldn't stop that either.
Hello, thank you, nice suggestion, currently there's no way to get rid of it, but I'll make it so if you apply evo locker on the digimon this will not show, thank you for suggestion!
Nice, thank you! The button disappeares for a while if I switch to another mon and back, I'll do that in the meantime. Although that led to me finding a bug actually. My Beelzemon has enough X-antibody to evolve... and when I switched from it to an Agumon with 0 X-antibody, I was able to evolve it into Agumon X.😅
Ohhh thank you for reporting, I was just about to post a version with some bug fixes, already uploaded, now if you use evo locker this button will disappear
Is there any chance of a modding API for adding new 'mons?
Hi, got a "unable to find library for this devices architecture, which is armv8l". Is this any fixable?
Sadly no, that means your android phone is 32 bit, the game only runs on 64 bits android
Understandable, thanks.
May I ask why V-mon cannot evolve into VX-mon when it meets its requirements? It always evolves into Lightdragon.
The numbers in parenthesis are the one's considered for evolution, if all are equal, than it will evolve to a predetermined evo
But its evolution requires training, and if the other three items are trained, they will evolve into others. So how should we evolve.
You just have to be sure veemon has 5 red faces in the trainboost meter, if he have this requirement when the evolution triggers it will become x-vmon.

Since I updated the app my Digimon are now weaker than everything and even champions have almost double hp and attack compared to my metalgreymon, also I get an error when trying to access to my weregarurumon. Not really sure how to get stronger if I can barely beat a rookie level now. Also both of them are level 11. I feel like there should be something in the next update that will convert the original stats to something that equals the new inflated stats or sets a higher base stats for each level.
auto evolution mean harder to complete requirement before evolve. since i cant hold the evo except with item
Hi! Me again, do ultimate level digimon only recover training energy by sleeping? Or should they recover it by existing? (My stefilmon doesn't regains energy) Or maybe entering tournaments can prevent it from regaining energy points?
As a side note, have you considered opening a discord server for questions and so?
Hey, stamina recovers over time when app open, but the intention is for you to put your digimon to sleep at night and let it wake up by itself, it will be with their stamina recovered. There is already a discord server, you can enter by tapping it in the description of the game
What do you do if they won't sleep? I've had no chance to have them sleep, and the stamina simply isn't recovering.
you can put them to sleep after 9pm, if you do not put them to sleep after 9pm, well you can use the energy room in adventures to recover full stamina, will take 500 bits currently
Thank you so much! I'm really loving this game on my phone. I've been using the energy room, then adventure to build up bits, and continue the cycle, so far.
You've done a great job capturing to magic of early Digimon and killed it with the quality of life updates!
Thank you so much for the kind words, I did and am trying my best to make it a v-pet that captures the best essence of digimon, I didn't have a digimon v-pet, so this game is for everyone who likes digimon to enjoy and have fun raising their favourite mon 😊
nice update, keep it up
Hai Admin, I hope Next Update Have A PVP Online, i really Like This game
next update will be uploaded today but it will have no pvp yet
Hai Admin, Jogress For Kaisergreymon + Magnagarurumon Not Work, Plis Fix
Hey! I checked the code and didn't see any error, the jogress seems to be working. In what digimemory are those digimon you're trying to fuse?
ok, Waiting, i send The Screen Shot
Omegamon X Are Still Avalible?
Not yet
Hello! Your progress should be in the first slot, did you selected a digitama when you started the game for the first time? It didn't save your progress for some reason. You'll have to delete the data from the app and start it again, or uninstall and install again. The first digimon you choose is free.
Thanks for your response! Yes, I chose the dragon egg and chieved champion (Greymon) but it didn't saved 🥲 how do I delete the data? Or would be better to uninstall and re install?
if you press the game's icon and go to the information, then storage and cache, should be an option "clear storage" the game would be fresh new doing this, if you find it difficult you can just uninstall and re install.
Vc pretende fazer com que essa fangame funcione em celulares 32bits? Esse é uma fangame incrível que eu adoraria jogar mas meu celular é fraco...
Eu sinto muito, mas esta é uma limitação da engine que eu estou usando para fazer o jogo, eu muito tentei fazer ser possível dele rodar em celulares 32 bits mas realmente não tem como, por limitação da engine apenas celulares 64 bits conseguem rodar o jogo.
Não é bem questão do celular ser fraco e sim da arquitetura dele mesmo, os mais modernos normalmente tem a arquitetura 64 bits
What is the requirement of this?
If you do not meet the requirements for the other evolutions it will become this digimon
whats that thing that says dm on top
It looks like another game
Why did level 5 directly evolve into the Ultimate?
This was a bug, shortly after releasing the new update, I fixed and uploaded again
What is the requirement of this?
Usually HP, but if other requirements for other evolutions are not met, than it will become this digimon
Ryudamon beast line repeatedly according to evolutionary conditions can not evolve Victory Greymon, have evolved into a Zanbamon, may I ask whether the conditions are wrong?
VictoryGreymon requirements are: